♥ A nice Ex Libris from thecategory greece and mythology. You can customizethetextin thebookplate. Please enter yourdesired namein the orderinthetext box provided. Thestampsizeis 2.51 x 2.51 inch, the label size 45 x 48 mm. Customsizesareavailable for additional charge.
With ourEx Librisproductsyou can choose from -- 1. a stamp with a typical punch handle or -- 2. a stamp on a hardwood mount grasp -- 3. a digitallabel printin thesize 4.13 x 2.91 inch, 200 pcs, paper color: white, each 8motifs on a 8.27 x 11.69 inchsheet or -- 4. a letterprinton handmade paperorfine paper, paper colorcream, ecruorchamois, 250 labels,individually cut. Our products are manufacturedin the best quality.
All our bookplates areavailable on requestin a variety of printing processesandpaper types.
Ouracid-freeink pad andsolvent-freeadhesivepapercan be found here.
Please contact usifyou have any questions, ideas or suggestions.